Monday 18 May 2009

So I saw 'Angels & Demons'

As a kid I was invited to a classmate's birthday bash that turned out to be quite memorable as the main event involved a treasure hunt in the local park organized by his older brother and sister. So off we went scooting here and there based on clues nailed on trees or hidden under and behind other park objects. I don't recall what the treasure was only that the hunt was positively exciting.

In Angels & Demons, symbologist Robert Langdon (Tom Hanks) does more or less the same in Rome as he races against time to locate a canister with antimatter, which is apparently highly dangerous stuff, hidden somewhere in the Vatican while trying to stay one step ahead of the sinister Illuminati.

Now, a treasure hunt is all about the hunt, and the movie's thrills and frills should've come from the hunt. Everything else is a moot point. The hunt here, however, feels rushed and therefore unsatisfying.

(Running time: 138 minutes)

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