Tuesday 15 January 2008

So I saw 'Sunshine'

On VCD. And I liked it. It had this understated ominousness or whatever until halfway the movie, and the use of colour (orangey sunshine) felt refreshingly non-Hollywood-y. Sunshine is a small diamond in a stack of coal, and it would be quite a shining spectacle indeed if it wasn't for the madman introduced in the movies' final third.

(Running time: 107 minutes)

Sunday 6 January 2008

So I saw 'Golden Compass'

And I liked it. A lot. I don't understand why it is considered to be anti this and that; all I see is a brilliant story. I was just getting comfortable for more Dust when suddenly the credits started to roll. Thus a set up for a sequel I truly hope will be made.

(Running time: 113 minutes)