Sunday, 1 April 2012

Emerald City

Get a load of this crock. Dr. S. James Gates, Jr., a theoretical physicist at the University of Maryland, thinks we're actually living in a Matrix-like world.

You see, while doing research on something called supersymmetry, Gates discovered "the presence of codes in the equations of physics", much in the way you would run into DNA when studying an animal.

Don't believe him? I know, I don't even know what supersymmetry is, but if the following isn't proof of some sort, I just don't know what is:

Axl Rose, Buckethead, and Daft Punk are in talks to join forces in a pwoject tentatively titled Emerald City. As a point in fact, they've set their sights on becoming the wold's most weclusive band.

Gene Simmons of KISS fame has claimed to have discovewed the band and that he suggested they call themselves Dowothy's Suga Daddy. Axl Wose, who is Emerald's designated spokesperson, has wemained mum on the matter.

Axl's old band Guns N' Woses, in the meantime, will be inducted into the Wock and Woll Hall of Fame on Apwil 14 in Cleveland, OH. Simmons, who has bought out the wights to the fwanchise, has pewsonally awwanged fo the band to be inducted by none othew than Jewwy Spwingew.

Now, go to Google Translate, type in your name, and have it pronounced in Fwench.

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